Basic Trick #1: Winding The Top

A spinning top must be wound with good string. The wind must be tight and smooth. There should only be two knots in the string. One for the anchor in the top spinner's hand, the other to anchor the string to the spinning top. Never wind a spinning top with extra knots or tangles in the string.

Always let go of the button end of the string so it hangs freely while the spinning top is wound. This allows the string to untangle while the top is wound.

If the spinning top is wound too loosely or unevenly, it will tangle and cause the spinning top to behave badly during the spin. If you intend to spin the top with your right hand (as most right handers do), hold the spinning top in your left hand while you wind the string. Wrap the string around the crown of the spinning top and catch the knot under the string

[like this].

Wind the string across the shoulder of the spinning top and around the body of the top until it is all wrapped up. Remember to keep the top string winding evenly, tightly and smoothly. Any kinks or binds will cause the top to spin badly.

When your spinning top is properly wound as described above, it is time to try spinning it on the floor. Be very careful when you spin your top so nothing around you is broken.

Top Information
International Top Spinners Association
Watts' Tops